Had 12 hours of sleep last night - interrupted only by extremely bizarre dreams. In my dream I had a visit from this old lady - she insisted on making me custard (which I hate) and it had loads of milk in it (which I also hate). I told her I was sorry I couldn’t eat it but it was just too disgusting. And then she got really annoyed and told me I was rude. All I remember about her was that she was wearing this green skirt which was way too high, practically reaching her boobs…somewhat reminiscent of my DT teacher in high school.
So anyway - this morning I thought I’d try and do something which I rarely do at home. So I washed my clothes by hand. Scrubbing away at my jeans with a scrubbing brush I was reminded why I avoid buying clothes which require handwashing but being too stubborn to admit that my arms have all the strength of cocktail sticks, I persevered to the end. I hate giving my clothes to a maid to wash…way too proud for my own good.
After massacring my arms with the hand washing we headed out on a daytrip. Myself and two ladies who I used to work with - and their kids…and their kids friends…and their friends kids….and my hosts’ kids…felt like I was back at my aunts’ nursery in London - except less adults per child! Somehow we managed to fit all the kids and us in a taxi (very large boot) and we drove up to Crayfish Camp next to Lake Naivasha. The kids had fun running up and down, playing on the slides before heading for the swimming pool. I didn’t know there was a swimming pool L Baking hot and I have no swimming costume whilst the kids flounder around having the time of their lives! I sat and watched whilst sweating and burning and feeling whiter than ever! After spending a small fortune on the swimming and chips for all the kids, we piled into a matatu and made our way back to Naivasha. I didn’t fancy getting too close to the Lake - there was a big sign saying “beware of the hippos” - I’ve heard so many stories of tourists being eaten by hippos round there I wanted to keep my distance. Didn’t fancy telling my hosts that their kids had been consumed by a hippo during the course of the day. The road to town has been re-tarmacked so we didn’t shake, rattle and roll as much as one usually does though. The area around the Lake is a bit like a desert though - very arid with lots of acacia trees…very “African.”
Right now I’m sat outside in the garden as the sun sets…the insects are starting to sqwark whilst the guard dogs begin to compete, barking like loons. The sports club next door are having a themed party - country and western - and the guy I’m staying with has just wandered in asking his wife for some eyeliner as he gets himself attired as a cowboy…! Mosquitoes are circling my computer - they were out in force last night - peppering my legs with red spots. Tomorrow is church and visiting one of the ex-commercial sex workers, Damaris. Time to sign off.
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