Monday, April 5, 2010


I've come to think sleep is one of the most evasive, frustrating things in life.

Last night I spent yet another night lying awake for hours before slipping into a dream filled state that I personally don't think merits the title "sleep" as it didn't feel like my brain switched off at all. Sleep for me these days means going to another bizarre world for a few hours before coming back to this one in the morning, worn out and more than a little confused.

Because the dreams are like being part of a David Lynch or Charlie Kaufmann movie. A while ago they were wierd but not in an upsetting way as I usually ended up with something nice at the end - I had 3 baby dreams in quick succession...the births themselves were rather unorthadox but I recall enjoying being a mother whilst being in dreamland. But recently I have dreamt of my sister being kidnapped by a gang whilst in Tanzania, my best friends getting together and giving a speech where they said how horrific I was and another friend trying to eat me! Needless to say after such dreams one doesn't feel that refreshed.

I've looked at all the sleeping tips - having a routine before going to bed, using my bed only for sleeping, doing something else if I can't sleep after 30 minutes...but what are the tips for having dreamless sleep?!

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