Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The story of an Unwasted Life

Recently life has become very comfortable. Too comfortable. I wake up. I shower and get ready for work. I go to work. I come home. I eat supper. I watch a bit of TV, possibly go out and do something like meet a friend or go to a gig. Then I sleep. Is this really living?! I sense that this is more existence than life and I think to myself - when did I get so comfortable? When did I expect so little of myself?? I want to LIVE not exist!

So I read a book recently about a guy who is writing a film screenplay for a book that he wrote a few years ago -the book is based on his own life story. And as he writes the screenplay, his co-screen writers tell him that his life is too boring to put on film! Nobody will watch it because he doesn't really do anything of import- so he has to rewrite his life for the screenplay and add scenarios and plot developments which will make it more interesting to an audience! The author of the book said that life is like a story - that like all good stories it will have conflict and pain and growth for its characters - and that we can choose just how interesting our story is, and how it progresses. To some extent I agreed with him. In my head I think that I want to break out of my comfort something more meaningful with my time than update my Facebook status or watch trailers for movies that I'm never going to see; to meet and get to know people who will challenge and inspire me - or demand something of me...I know that it will be good for me. But the fact is it's much easier to put my feet up and watch back to back Scrubs when I get in from work rather than push the boundaries. And also the fact I'm scared shitless at times...of the thought of trying something new and failing, or trying to make a new friend and not succeeding...that isn't a great motivator! But I don't want to live a dull story and go through my days without adding something to someones life. I've never been a person who chose the easy life over the meaningful life and I don't want to become that person.

At the same time though I don't think this author took into account that often we don't have control over some aspects of our story. It's for the same reason that I really dislike self help books as I think our ability to help ourselves is often limited by things we have no control of. My health has been patchy to say the least over recent years - and in recent weeks I've had to deal with deterioration which has been a bit worrying and at times very frustrating. I think losing the sense of control and not knowing what the future holds is the hardest part - and it's that which makes me think that assuming we are the sole authors of our own story is a flawed assumption. I think I've got to surrender my story to God and accept that he's playing a part in writing my story as well. I'm not saying that he's giving me crappy health - but I think that having health issues has reminded me about how important God's role is in my story. I don't have the ability to decide that "OK I'm going to start training and become super fit and run marathons...or that I'm going to work really hard and power up the career ladder..." I know that with my health and the medication I take and what it does to my concentration - that these decisions are just not options for me. But I don't think that the situation means I should have no story at all. Full surrender to God of every aspect of my life - of my health, my relationships, my work, my free time...I think that gives me the opportunity to have a great life story because I think God will make a much better author than me! Maybe I won't be doing amazingly exciting things - but I'm sure God's in charge of the writing, then he'll write in opportunities for me to have impact, for me to love and be loved, for me to bring change, and to show that Jesus and his story bring hope.

There's a guy who preached some sermons on the Unwasted was all about how not to waste your youth, your money, your love...the list went on. It challenged me - to do what I can to manage my health so that at least I can have a shot at not wasting these things. What he was basically talking about was radical, Jesus style living - totally counter cultural and a lifestyle which impacted anyone who came into contact with it. It's a lifestyle fueled by God's grace as he described it as the grace God shows us through giving us Jesus, spilling out in our lives and into the lives of others in the form of love. And I thought that would be a good story to live. A life where I feel loved so much by Jesus that that love just spills out - and I become a person who is a marked person. Marked out by that love. I may not be able to do loads of remarkable things or change loads of things - unfortunately it's impossible for me to order a new body, or to dispose of my scattiness and tendency for verbal diarrhoea, or to suddenly become supremely confident...but I guess I can let God take the reigns, take the pen and write the story and see where he takes it - and be open to being taken in that direction. Which I'm assuming will mean stepping out of the circle of comfort. I don't want to waste my life.

I'd rather live a life that counts - a life that counts for others not just me - and I want to want that more than I want the easy life.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I've come to think sleep is one of the most evasive, frustrating things in life.

Last night I spent yet another night lying awake for hours before slipping into a dream filled state that I personally don't think merits the title "sleep" as it didn't feel like my brain switched off at all. Sleep for me these days means going to another bizarre world for a few hours before coming back to this one in the morning, worn out and more than a little confused.

Because the dreams are like being part of a David Lynch or Charlie Kaufmann movie. A while ago they were wierd but not in an upsetting way as I usually ended up with something nice at the end - I had 3 baby dreams in quick succession...the births themselves were rather unorthadox but I recall enjoying being a mother whilst being in dreamland. But recently I have dreamt of my sister being kidnapped by a gang whilst in Tanzania, my best friends getting together and giving a speech where they said how horrific I was and another friend trying to eat me! Needless to say after such dreams one doesn't feel that refreshed.

I've looked at all the sleeping tips - having a routine before going to bed, using my bed only for sleeping, doing something else if I can't sleep after 30 minutes...but what are the tips for having dreamless sleep?!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Endurance Challenge post poned :(

I remembered this week that I had forgotten to post here that I had to postpone the Endurance Challenge I had been planning to do last on around £5 a day to gain some awareness of the difficulties facing those who flee persecution and seek sanctuary in the UK. I've been a bit ill of late and it is probably going to take a few weeks for things to even out so I've decided to do it during Refugee Week in June instead.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Christian" music

I was thinking about Christian music today. A friend of mine has said a number of times that she doesn't like a lot of Christian music because she finds it dull and boring. I have to say I can relate to that view as to be honest there's a lot of contemporary Christian songs, which if they were to have secular lyrics and I were to hear them on the radio, I'd probably change stations. Don't get me wrong, some of it I love and there are a number of songs, bands and worship leaders who I wish could actually get onto the radio as they're better than a lot of the bilge that gets onto playlists, but I have to say that for a significant amount of the "Christian" music that I'v heard, tt can be quite 'samey' musically with the melodies and chord patterns being fairly predictable.

The thing is...I have to say that what is known as "Christian" music often doesn't light a fire in me. I find music powerful - some songs (Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World, Killing in the Name by Rage, Immigrant Song by Led Zep) help me to release tension, others (Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk, pretty much any Stevie Wonder groove) make me want to moooove; some songs (Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits, Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine) make me feel really emotional and sways me. It pushes buttons I didn't even know were there.

One thing I know about God is that he's good...which means all the good stuff comes from him. So the music which touches a chord inside me...whether it has a "Christian" label or's got to be from God. I don't think God restricts himself to one genre - he'll use whatever floats my boat...or what mood I'm in to get through to me.

And he'll use songs which have been written by people who perhaps aren't Christians to get through to me, to move me. I recently saw the lyrics to the Candi Staton classic "You've got the Love" and they really spoke to me - I think I was surprised as I've heard Florence and the Machine belting that song for weeks now on Radio 1 and never really considered the significance of the lyrics. I thought to myself - if those lyrics had been sung in a typical "church" style of music - would they have had the impact on me that they have done? I'm not sure they would have done because the love I have for the stylle of music I hear in church is not the same as the love I have for the work of Florence and the Machine! So I started to listen a bit more carefully to other start off with, The Cave by Mumford and Sons, There's a Place by Siobhan Donaghy (ex Sugababe but don't let that put you off - she's actually really good!)...and I started to apply what they were singing about to my faith...and some of it was quite hard hitting.

Some lines from "The Cave":
So tie me to a post and block my ears
I can see widows and orphans through my tears
I know my call despite my faults
And despite my growing fears....

So come out of your cave walking on your hands
And see the world hanging upside down
You can understand dependence
When you know the maker's hand

And from "There's a Place":

Take your time
Be it mine
'Cause I will be
All the strength you need
And I will show you a way

I don't mind
If you cry
I want to be
Holding your hand
And you can feel
You can lean
Don't turn away

All is lost
But if you try
You can see
There's a place for you
Where I will know
Your pain
Don't turn away

I loved these songs anyway before I started thinking more about the lyrics. But I guess thinking about it a bit more has re-enforced the fact that God will speak through anything and anyone...we can find him wherever we find beauty and goodness - and he can use the things which speak into our soul to get his message - and his love - through. I don't need to restrict myself to what I hear if I listen to a Hillsong or Kirk Franklin album, or when I go to a Christian festival, or when I shop at Wesley Owen...or when I go to church. My God is a whole lot bigger than that! I don't expect to be playing Mumford and Sons songs in church any time soon...and that's ok because quite frankly that style of music is a lot more niche full stop..but it's good to have my eyes opened to other ways of connecting with God...and to know that God can't be restricted to human labels - or in the case of music - genres!

So I'll finish with the Florence Song...a l praise song speaking from an honest heart to Jesus!

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need To see me through

Sometimes it seems that the going is just too rough
And things go wrong no matter what I do
Now and then it seems that life is just too much
But you've got the love I need to see me through

When food is gone you are my daily meal
When friends are gone I know my savior's love is real
Your love is real

You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love

Time after time I think "Oh Lord what's the use?"
Time after time I think it's just no good
Sooner or later in life, the things you love you lose
But you got the love I need to see me through

You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air
I know I can count on you
Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through

You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love
You got the love